Liturgical Press Earns Top Spot Among Book Publishers at the 2016 Catholic Press Awards
COLLEGEVILLE, MINNESOTA (June 2016)—Liturgical Press is honored to be the publisher of nineteen award winners in the Catholic Press Association 2016 Book Awards. Taking home twenty-three awards in all, including four for Give Us This Day, the very successful daily prayer periodical for today’s Catholic, Liturgical Press received the most awards, and the most first-place awards, of any book publisher in the annual award competition.
“We have the great privilege of working with so many extraordinary authors,” said Peter Dwyer, director at Liturgical Press. “It is gratifying to see their work and ours in service of the Gospel recognized with these awards.”
The full list of book awards includes:
- First place, pastoral ministry: The Social Media Gospel, Second Edition by Meredith Gould
- Second place, liturgy: The Liturgical Environment, Third Edition by Mark G. Boyer
- Third place, liturgy: Mystagogy of the Eucharist by Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM
- Honorable mention, liturgy: Christ’s Gift, Our Response by Benjamin Durheim
- Honorable mention, liturgy: Whose Mass Is It? by Paul Turner
- First place, Catholic social teaching: This Economy Kills by Andrea Tornielli and Giacomo Galeazzi
- Second place, spirituality, soft cover: At Play in Creation by Christopher Pramuk
- Third place, theology: Rethinking Christian Forgiveness by James K. Voiss
- Tied for third place, scripture, academic studies: Hebrews by Mary Ann Beavis and HyeRan Kim-Cragg and Micah by Julia M. O’Brien, both from the Wisdom Commentary series
- Honorable mention, scripture, popular studies: A Window into the Spirituality of Paul by Patrick J. Hartin
- Second place, professional books: The Gift of Administration by Donald Senior
- Second place, family life: Project Holiness by Bridget Burke Ravizza and Julie Donovan Massey
- Second place, fiftieth anniversary of Vatican II: An Unfinished Council by Richard R. Gaillardetz
- Honorable mention, fiftieth anniversary of Vatican II: 50 Years On by David G. Schultenover
- First place, faithful citizenship/religious freedom: Water Shaping Stone by Kathryn Lilla Cox
- Second place, design and production: Illuminating the Word, Second Edition by Christopher Calderhead
- Second place, coffee table book/religious art: Sant’Anselmo in Rome by Pius Engelbert
- First place, best trade/seasonal catalog: Liturgical Press Academic Fall/Winter 2015–2016
All of the winning titles are available directly from Liturgical Press. Visit or call 1-800-858-5450.
For more information please contact:
Michelle Verkuilen, associate publisher of parish market
(320) 363-2227
Tara Durheim, associate publisher of academic and trade markets
(320) 363-2139
Cathy Donovan, associate publisher of Give Us This Day
(320) 363-3655
About Liturgical Press:
Located in Collegeville, Minnesota, Liturgical Press began publishing for the Church in 1926. In our 90th year, our dedicated staff sustains our original and continuing mission of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are committed to providing religious and spiritual resources of the highest relevance and quality to the Christian community. Our imprints and publications include Liturgical Press Books, Pueblo Books, Michael Glazier Books, Cistercian Publications, The Saint John’s Bible, Little Rock Scripture Study, and Give Us This Day.